Monthly Archives: September 2013

Fox News: 14 food mistakes moms make

Moms always want to make sure that their children are eating the right foods, but what some things even the best moms might be forgetting? In this article from Fox News, the top food mistakes that moms make are laid-out. Interested to know what they are?

Nutritionists say: Pasta Fits a Healthy School Lunch

It’s back to school time and we’ve seen a lot of articles about packing healthy school lunches for kids! It seems that there are plenty of registered dietitians and nutritionists that agree — Pasta can be a great healthy alternative to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Q&A on Pasta and Exercise with Kim Hoban, RD

For many athletes, September also marks the beginning of Fall running season, as the cool weather makes Fall the optimal training season for long-distance events. We’ve asked registered dietitian, Kim Hoban to weigh-in on how to choose foods to fuel training!

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