Monthly Archives: December 2014

VIDEO: “Wine and Pasta Pairings”

We all know that wine and cheese make a great pair, but did you know wine could bring out the best in your pasta too? Certain wines enhance the flavor of pasta dishes, but knowing which wine to serve with meals can be tricky. Luckily, our chef Tina Ruggiero has a quick guide you can use anywhere, anytime. Click here to watch the video!

Q & A with Katie Workman, Author of “The Mom 100” Cookbook and Blog

Even if you love to cook, dinner can sometimes be a hassle. Whether you’ve spent the day shuffling your kids around or you had a bad day, preparing a home-cooked meal doesn’t always seem ideal. Luckily, there are some people who seem to have it all figured out and one of these people is Katie Workman. Continue reading to learn some of her tricks!

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